
About Me

hey every1 well here is a introduction/bio data/know about me page so well here is it

My name is Madhumitha.B. 
I take life like a game with lots of levels to cross but only 1 life
I am a libra and mostly all the libra charecterestics apply 2 me.
I like Ranbir Kapoor 
I luv 2 talk continuously
and like people who talk
a lot or listen to me 
patiently without complain
My interest are to edit 
photos create cool sites 
and stuff
LUV music expecially melody songs. Luv  reading 
books (mystery) like Famous 5 by enid blyton
 and Nancy Drew by carolyne keene. and lotz 
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 :p